Expedient Medical staffs medical professionals in the Dallas, Fort Worth and surrounding areas
Who is Expedient Medical Staffing?
Expedient Medical Staffing is a full service medical staffing company, specializing in hospice continuous care, locally owned and operated from right in the heart of the DFW Metroplex.
What does Expedient Medical Staffing offer?
Expedient Medical Staffing offers staffing for RN’s, LVN’s, CNA’s MA's and PCT’s.Our goal is to have the best possible staff available when you need them. We are just a phone call away at 817-538-5577.
Who does Expedient Medical Staffing contract with?

Expedient Medical Staffing contracts with assisted living, skilled nursing facilities, memory care units, rehabilitation facilities, home health companies, hospices, doctor's offices and private duty.We take the time to train in specialized aspects of care such as hospice continuous care.
If you are in need of staffing around the clock, will there be someone available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week? Yes! Expedient Medical Staffing has staff available to work all shifts, and you can rest assured that the office personnel will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have every hour of every day.